when my registration got lost

Man, Cath got her registration confirmation for Animazement on Saturday (after I emailed to ask about it on thursday), but I still haven’t gotten mine. I know if her registration got there, mine did too, because they were in the same envelope! I hope it’s not my email eating messages again…

Or they’re probably going in alphabetical order! I HATE THAT, as you can imagine, haha, I’m always at the end. In high school this was actually helpful – the teachers would often call for everyone’s homework in alphabetical order, giving me time to DO my homework LOL… except for those heartstopping times when they would decide, “Let’s go backwards this time.”

Man, only one more week!! I’m excited… hehe, this is the most excited I’ve ever been over a trip in recent years.

Man, I need to make some money. I need to buy something for Ash, since she’s not going to get to go.

I’m sitting here looking at the schedule…. we’re going to miss the Opening Ceremony, oh well. OMG, Karaoke? Catherine will drag me to that, no doubt. No way I’m singing, tho. Oooo, Iron Chef!! Awesome! Cosplay Contest, there’s no way I’m missing that… oh, a dance, cath will flip. I’m wearing normal clothes for that. Man, the whole thing ends at 3 on sunday… leaving us with hours of nothing to do until our plane takes off at 9 that night. hehe…